Hell Rising Wiki

Fort Guards | Mantis Security | Quarantined Vampires | Residents | Sewage Inhabitants | Sub-level Z Staff | Other | Wretches | Unique Event

Enemies found in the Quarantine Zone. Beware of blood pools.

There is no light in the Quarantine Zone. (-5% accuracy) (Hit modifiers below do not add darkness penalty)

If players' profile page is "Last seen in" instead of "Last seen in Serling", those players might be in the Sewers, Quarantined Vampires or Sub-level Z Staff.

Blood Donor

Creature Statistics: Blood Donor
Description: This crawling, half-eaten vampiric corpse appears to be drained of all but the slightest amount of blood.
HP: 10
Physical Resistance: 0
Hit Modifier -25%
Base Damage: desperate hands (3-11)
Effects: None
Items Dropped: ???
Location: Quarantine Zone
Other Information: Vampire.Hostile to all.


Creature Statistics: Famine
Description: This tall, thin vampire is dressed in loose, blood-soaked bandages and the tattered remains of a hospital smock. It has eaten its own lips, exposing curved, interlocking fangs. Its white skin plays off of bulbous, dark red eyes.
HP: 50
Physical Resistance: 0
Hit Modifier -8%
Base Damage: fangs(4-11), talon (10-14)
Effects: talons (Bleeding), fangs (Terrify)
Items Dropped: Rib Spreader, 2-5 Medkits, 2-5 Human Hearts
Location: Quarantine Zone
Other Information: Vampire. One of kind. Hostile to all. Spawn at Hospital Incinerator blocks.

Forgotten Patient

Creature Statistics: Forgotten Patient
Description: This pathetic-looking, bedraggled vampire appears to have gone insane from denied bloodlust. It wears a smeared name tag and a hospital gown marked "40".
HP: 20
Physical Resistance: 0
Hit Modifier -5%
Base Damage: boney hands (5-12)
Effects: Bleeding
Items Dropped: ???
Location: Quarantine Zone
Other Information: Vampire.Friendly to other vampires.

Grim Surgeon

Creature Statistics: Grim Surgeon
Description: This vampiric surgeon wears a shredded lab coat, its stethoscope ending in a gnawed-off nub. It holds a grime-covered syringe like a weapon.
HP: 30
Physical Resistance: 0
Hit Modifier 0
Base Damage: scalpel (5-9), dirty syringe (10)
Effects: dirty syringe(Infection), Bleeding (scalpel)
Items Dropped: Human Face, Human Heart, Dirty Syringe
Location: Quarantine Zone
Other Information: Vampire.Hostile to all.